

Brand HJ Tech
Standard  DIN912
Material Carbon Steel/Stainless Steel/Aluminum
Finish Plain/Self Colour (S/C)/Black Oxide (Black)/Polished
Size M3-M48  



DIN 912 Hexagon socket head bolts should be installed and disassembled using a hexagonal wrench. It is a tool with a 90° bending. It is divided into long and short sides. When the short side is used to install the screw, the longer side can be used to hold the smaller The force can achieve the function of tightening screws. The long end of the tool is generally used for the installation and removal of screws at the assembly deep hole position.

The thread diameter is generally M1.4-M64 grade A metric products. Thread tolerance is generally 6g, 12.9 grade is 5g6g. The materials on the market are generally carbon steel CL8.8/ 10.9/ 12.9 grade.

The surface treatment is generally black and galvanized. In recent years, due to the environmental protection requirements, the surface coating has been upgraded, with the appearance of trivalent chromium-based electroplating layer and non-electrolytic flake zinc coating instead of DAC






Thread Size P dk da ds e k s t w weight thread length
  Coarse thread Fine thread-1 Fine thread-2 round head max knurled head max min max max min min max min basic min max min min kg b
M1.4 0.3 - - 2.6 2.74 2.46 1.8 1.4 1.26 1.5 1.4 1.26 1.3 1.32 1.36 0.6 0.5 - -
M1.6 0.35 - - 3 3.14 2.86 2 1.6 1.46 1.73 1.6 1.46 1.5 1.52 1.56 0.7 0.55 - -
M2 0.4 - - 3.8 3.98 3.62 2.6 2 1.86 1.73 2 1.86 1.5 1.52 1.56 1 0.55 - -
M2.5 0.45 - - 4.5 4.68 4.32 3.1 2.5 2.36 2.3 2.5 2.36 2 2.02 2.06 1.1 0.85 - -
M3 0.5 - - 5.5 5.68 5.32 3.6 3 2.86 2.87 3 2.86 2.5 2.52 2.58 1.3 1.15 - -
M4 0.7 - - 7 7.22 6.78 4.7 4 3.82 3.44 4 3.82 3 3.02 3.08 2 1.4 - -
M5 0.8 - - 8.5 8.72 8.28 5.7 5 4.82 4.58 5 4.82 4 4.02 4.095 2.5 1.9 - -
M6 1 - - 10 10.22 9.78 6.8 6 5.82 5.72 6 5.7 5 5.02 5.14 3 2.3 - -
M8 1.25 1 - 13 13.27 12.73 9.2 8 7.78 6.86 8 7.64 6 6.02 6.14 4 3 - -
M10 1.5 1.25 1 16 16.27 15.73 11.2 10 9.78 9.15 10 9.64 8 8.025 8.175 5 4 - -
M12 1.75 1.25 1.5 18 18.27 17.73 13.7 12 11.73 11.43 12 11.57 10 10.025 10.175 6 4.8 - -
(M14) 2 1.5 - 21 21.33 20.67 15.7 14 13.73 13.72 14 13.57 12 12.032 12.212 7 5.8 - -
M16 2 1.5 - 24 24.33 23.67 17.7 16 15.73 16 16 15.57 14 14.032 14.212 8 6.8 - -
(M18) 2.5 1.5 2 27 27.33 26.67 20.2 18 17.73 16 18 15.57 14 14.032 14.212 9 7.8 - -
M20 2.5 1.5 2 30 30.33 29.67 22.4 20 19.67 19.44 20 19.48 17 17.05 17.23 10 8.6 - -
(M22) 2.5 1.5 2 33 33.39 32.61 24.4 22 21.67 19.44 22 21.48 17 17.05 17.23 11 9.4 - -
M24 3 2 - 36 36.39 35.61 26.4 24 23.67 21.73 24 23.48 19 19.065 19.275 12 10.4 - -
(M27) 3 2 - 40 40.39 39.61 30.4 27 26.67 21.73 27 26.48 19 19.065 19.275 13.5 11.9 - -
M30 3.5 2 - 45 45.39 44.61 33.4 30 29.67 25.15 30 29.48 22 22.065 22.275 15.5 13.1 - -
(M33) 3.5 2 - 50 50.39 49.16 36.4 33 32.61 27.43 33 32.38 24 24.065 24.275 18 13.5 - -
M36 4 3 - 54 54.46 53.54 39.4 36 35.61 30.85 36 35.38 27 27.065 27.275 19 15.3 - -
M42 4.5 3 - 63 63.46 62.54 45.5 42 41.61 36.57 42 41.38 32 32.08 32.33 24 16.3 - -
M48 5 3 - 72 72.46 71.54 52.6 48 47.61 41.13 48 47.38 36 36.08 36.33 28 17.5 - -
M56 5.5 4 - 84 84.54 83.64 63 56 55.54 46.83 56 55.26 41 41.08 41.33 34 19 - -
M64 6 4 - 96 96.54 95.46 71 64 63.54 52.53 64 63.26 46 46.08 46.33 38 22 - -
M72 6 4 - 108 108.54 107.46 79 72 71.54 62.81 72 71.26 55 55.1 55.4 43 25 - -
M80 6 4 - 120 120.54 119.46 87 80 79.54 74.21 80 79.26 65 65.1 65.4 48 27 - -
M90 6 4 - 135 135.63 134.67 97 90 89.46 85.61 90 89.13 75 75.1 75.4 54 32 - -
M100 6 4 - 150 150.63 149.37 107 100 99.46 97.04 100 99.13 85 85.12 85.47 60 34 - -


Jiaxing H.J Tech Industry Limited
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